Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
mwine122: fucktacular. my cellphone just fell in the toilet.
mwine122: I am displeased.
bullmurph: omg. the ultimate nightmare
mwine122: I’m gonna lose all my numbers. I’m sure of it.
bullmurph: i have to go wash my hands just visualizing that
mwine122: it was a CLEAN, EMPTY toilet…
mwine122: I’m not sure I could have stood rescuing it otherwise.
bullmurph: i make it a point never to talk on my cell phone whilst peeing for that very reason
bullmurph: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
bullmurph: and by the way, even a clean, empty toilet……
mwine122: well, I wasn’t talking on it. it was in my back pocket. YOu seem to have forgotten that the typical female approach to the facility is to back up to it.
mwine122: and whatever! they clean ’em every night. it was just plain water. I’m not so prissy as all that.
bullmurph: i know. i’m saying that is why *I* don’t talk on it b/c *I* would be standing up, as I am unaware of any men that pee sitting down.
mwine122: my father!
bullmurph: i didn’t say YOU were prissy; i was talking about MYSELF.
mwine122: hehehe
mwine122: well, a trip to verizon during lunch it shall be!
mwine122: ARGH
bullmurph: your father does? OMG. you need to watch ‘curb your enthusiasm’…he sounds like Larry David
mwine122: hehe–
bullmurph: i don’t know much about these things, but i’d take the battery and, if you can find it, the ‘card’ thing and let those air dry
mwine122: yeah, he just says it’s easier.
bullmurph: and that way they can likely retrieve the data
mwine122: I don’t think he does it in public bathrooms, but at home he does.
bullmurph: any man that pees sitting down that isn’t required to do so b/c of health reasons has…..some issues.
bullmurph: not that there’s anything WRONG with that
bullmurph: (to stick with the Larry David/Seinfeld theme)
mwine122: hehe… I think what he said was that there’s just far less chance of splashing. And honestly, nothing pisses him off more than when someone comes over to their house and has less than perfect aim.
mwine122: really, it’s his own prissiness.
bullmurph: HA!
mwine122: hey, maybe you should consider it, if you are so persnickety
bullmurph: he could always put down a drop cloth for when visitors come
mwine122: which is VERY classy and gracious.
bullmurph: hey, i’m a mess, but i’m not remotely in THAT league…
mwine122: so, I pay for monthly insurance on the phone. wonder of toilet dumpage is covered…
mwine122: I know they often won’t do anything for you if there’s water damage.
bullmurph: hmmmmm…..not sure. i have to think this happens all the time.
mwine122: which is probably a good reason for insurance NOT to cover it. … knowing insurance!
bullmurph: true. there’s a lesson here somewhere. probably in the toilet.