Original Poem: Peregrination
Excited to see the latest issue of the great Exterminating Angel Press. I'm also happy to be included with so many other excellent writers. Check out my poem, "Peregrination," (written…
Excited to see the latest issue of the great Exterminating Angel Press. I'm also happy to be included with so many other excellent writers. Check out my poem, "Peregrination," (written…
Butch Warren One enters writing contests the same way one plays the lottery: with hope but no real expectation. I was, therefore, surprised and delighted to be awarded 2nd Prize…
Write what you know: at once the best and worst counsel offered to the aspiring fiction writer. It is insufficient, if not too smug and certain, too limiting, and possibly…
IT PROBABLY SAYS SOMETHING about evolution that younger generations see the future as expansive, malleable and positive while the older generations eventually—and inexorably—see the past as safer, simpler and more…
You can remember what it was like: seeing the world through another set of eyes—that evening, halfway through high school, watching the snow fall outside your window. Lights out and that music…
Happy 70th birthday to Ozzy Osbourne, the self-proclaimed Prince of Darkness. If you'd guessed, circa 1974, or 1984 (or 1994, etc.), that any of us would be celebrating John Michael…
An oldie but goodie from summer of 2018. I had the pleasure of talking with good friend, literary rock star, and 1455 Advisory Board member Bethanne Patrick (AKA @TheBookMaven) about…everything. It’s at once refreshing…
I’ve written a little bit about prog rock; my series “The Amazing Pudding” at PopMattersand rankings of the best prog albums and Top 100 Classic Prog Rock songs (and many, many reviews, etc.) When it comes to the…
I’m fortunate, in a sense, to be the type of person that gets more sentimental about the times I read a certain book or heard a particular album than I…
April, according to this poet, is the cruelest month. April, according to these lovers of poetry, is National Poetry Month, and the only cruelty is metaphorical (which isn’t to say T.S. Eliot was being…