It was my considerable pleasure to have an extended chat with E. Ethelbert Miller last week on his weekly WPFW show "On the Margin." A bit more about Ethelbert, here. And…
It was my considerable pleasure to have an extended chat with E. Ethelbert Miller last week on his weekly WPFW show "On the Margin." A bit more about Ethelbert, here. And…
Burn all the political books and essays: trivia masquerading as analysis that mostly measures horse races and trends, at best attempting to make sense of what's already history; if you…
For those whose definition of genius is either too encompassing or excessively narrow, John Coltrane poses no problems: there isn’t anyone who knows anything about music (in general) and jazz…
i. I never, until this year, made the explicit connection between John Coltrane and Flannery O’Connor. Why should I have? One was an introverted white woman, a southern writer who…
I never, until this week, made the explicit connection between John Coltrane and Flannery O'Connor. And why should I have? One was an introverted white woman, a southern writer who…
A few years ago I paid tribute to Flannery O'Connor on the occasion of a new biography (that I still need to read). Here it is, revisited, with a bonus…
While writing about Flannery O'Connor the other day, I made the half-serious, half-sardonic observation that dedication like hers is probably impossible to imitate today because of all the noise, electronic…
Of few writers can it more accurately be said that it is the work, not the life, that matters...That O'Connor was one of the great writers of the 20th century…