Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

What happens when you’ve jumped the shark and thrown up everything and the kitchen sink? Call a plumber, of course.

Joe the Plumber advises GOP-ers. No, really.

The more I look at that picture, above, the more perfect it is. I mean, yeah, on the metaphorical level it does the trick. But look closer: you’ve got the elephants, you’ve got the scantily clad babe (hey, I think Sarah Palin could use a little more exposure), and you’ve got the cheesy side of the road car crash spectacle thing going. In short, you’ve got the official declaration that the Grand Old Party is so officially out of ideas, so utterly bankrupt both intelletually and spiritually, so…embarrassing, that perhaps actually incorporating animal acts and death-defying stunts into their next convention might be an improvement. If it’s gonna be a circus have it be a circus. It can’t get much worse than Joe the fucking Plumber. Then again, Palin/Plumber 2012: that could be just the right ticket for an extended hiatus for this assembly of idiots and buffoons.
