Did You Get The Knack?
Look at that guy. You know which one I’m talking about. You’ve got three...
Charles Krauthammer is an Immoral Cretin
First, let’s try to get a handle on what constitutes the GOP braintrust as it’s...
She’s Got Her Whole World In Her Hand
Sarah Palin has officially out-cliched cliche. You can no longer even use the lazy –if...
A Combination of Santa Claus, Superman and Peter Pan
When I was growing up, Larry Bird was by far my favorite athlete. His capacity...
Why Dogs Rule, Redux
From Sigourney Weaver’s “What You’ve Learned” feature in December’s Esquire: I volunteered to serve food...
I’m In Love!
I’m in love! No, not really. But I am in love with this movie (Sunshine...
This Was The Life*
When I first took this job I got in the habit of referring to the...
The Hope of Audacity
Question: How many GOP staffers are looking for new jobs after agreeing to let the...