Not sure I’m sold on the synch-up of the music (Pink Floyd’s uber-psychedelic dreamscape “Quicksilver”...
Not sure I’m sold on the synch-up of the music (Pink Floyd’s uber-psychedelic dreamscape “Quicksilver”...
I have written more than once about my mother (here and here) but I haven’t...
The primary reason you are reading this blog right now, aside from the fact that...
From cnet: Sony delivers floppy disk’s last rites CNET News / April 25, 2010 Sony,...
Nice feature on American treasure (and no I don’t use that word lightly) Sonny Rollins...
This is the ’70s. This is why the Internet rules. This is one of the...
Eating my way through San Francisco, one bite at a time. Discovered a new place...
But George Mason had one of the best Cinderella stories of all time. OF ALL...
Opening day arrives at last. Winter is finally over. Life is good. Yankees in Fenway?...
My vices protect me but they would assassinate you! That is from Mark Twain, a...