Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

National Poetry Month #3: Intimation

south beach bear

April, according to this poet, is the cruelest month.

April, according to these lovers of poetry, is National Poetry Month, and the only cruelty is metaphorical (which isn’t to say T.S. Eliot was being literal except, well…)

In honor of this month, and since I don’t post on my blog as much these days, I’ll (re)share some of my published poetry. And that begs the question, if a poem falls in the Internet and no one reads it, is it still poetry?

Of course it is.

Poem #3: Intimation

My fiancée informs me that I snore
now: either comfortable enough to tell
the truth, or else a commentary on my own
contentment. Our unconscious understands
and steers us with its own somnolent wisdom.

But wouldn’t it have seemed more sensible
to have been snoring all those other nights,
when the only thing that ever got into my bed
was an exhilarating dream: someone beside me
to break that onerous silence by sharing it?


Bonus footage of me reading at Noepe Center for Literary Arts, 2016:
