Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Best band name ever?

It has to be way up there.

What makes it even better is that this is the name of a jazz band.

A jazz band that is making music, today.

A jazz band that is making excellent, relevant, real music. Right now.

Check it out.

Three albums in, each using cover art as an homage to classic jazz recordings (the two below by the amazing and under-appreciated Roy Haynes as well as the not-of-this-earth Ornette Coleman):

Sense of humor? Check.

Sick chops? Check.

Challenging? Absolutely.

Satisfying? Utterly.

These guys represent, to quote an artist they are fond of quoting, the shape of jazz to come.

It’s a shame nobody listens to jazz.

But the beatings will continue until morale improves.
