Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

In the past week, I’ve seen links to not one, but two amazing clips.

I want to give all the credit to Open Culture, so please visit them for the stories behind each, so go HERE.

First, the isolated guitar playing of Eric Clapton on “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”

A lot of people may not even realize it was “God”, not George, cranking out those tasty solos. Once you get it, it makes all the sense in the world.

But you need to hear it, and you have to read the whole story. Do so, HERE!

Likewise, you MUST check out the story behind Queen’s collaboration with David Bowie.

“Under Pressure” sounds like the inevitable result of a mutual, positive meeting of the artistic minds. It was, in many regards, anything but. Again, I won’t steal any thunder. Check it all out HERE!

(Hearing this the first time, this is what I scribbled down: Starting at 1.58: we are in the presence of gods. If your heart doesn’t race and chills don’t thrill through your back you are not, in fact, alive. I’ll stand by that sentiment.)
