Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Re. Palin’s latest:

Are you kidding me?

There are so many levels to this, it’s impossible to even begin. You could make a career out of this one clip (literally–Palin is doing it).

It’s more than a tad ironic, and appropriate, that her name is Palin, because she is now officially like a real-time, ongoing Monty Python skit. And I say that with considerable awe, and all due respect for the mighty Montys. It would require someone with John Cleese’s wit, Frank Zappa’s sense of the absurd, and Jorge Luis Borges’ labyrinthian narrative technique to even begin to approach how much surreal, stupefying obtusity Palin can contain in one single interview (and we must use the word “interview” in italics).

For anyone who has not yet seen the latest (and greatest?), let me assure you: it’s not for the faint-hearted. It’s not even for the stout-hearted. It’s so many things. It’s appalling, comical, infuriating. It even borders on cruelty. Also, there are some turkeys slaughtered.

I can’t say I won’t look forward to this nitwit keeping the contours of our political landscape sharp and fuzzy (an oxymoronic image, but then, so is Palin) for the next 4-8 years.
