Chinatown (from Cinema Qua Non)
Chinatown Director: Roman Polanski 1974 Chinatown does not usually make the short list of best American films. In fairness, it probably shouldn’t. It will have to settle for merely being…
Chinatown Director: Roman Polanski 1974 Chinatown does not usually make the short list of best American films. In fairness, it probably shouldn’t. It will have to settle for merely being…
A Story to Fall in Love With One is tempted to suggest, if sardonically, that now is the time for a reappraisal of Love. But that is unlikely. It’s never…
Past Perfect 18 June 2008 Here’s The Thing… In the late summer of 1982, two distinct entities from outer space infiltrated planet earth. One was a prehistoric creature with the…
The Tomorrow Show With Tom Snyder ( Review) The Tomorrow Show With Tom Snyder by Sean Murphy Before Conan O’Brien in the ‘90s and David Letterman in the ‘80s,…
The David Lynch Dilemma Sound Affects The PopMatters Music Blog 12 May 2008 The David Lynch Dilemma David Lynch is very much like God. I watch his movies the way…
Requiem for The Regal Beagle: A Mostly Fond Recollection of Three's Company The last thing I want to be accused of is venerating the same sitcom that, it seemed, virtually…
Kids in the Hall--from The Kids in the Hall existed in a sort of parallel universe to the much more popular, much less brilliant Saturday Night Live. Though comparisons…
Roky Erickson: You're Gonna Miss Me ( Review) Roky Erickson You’re Gonna Miss Me: A Film About Roky Erickson (Palm Pictures) Rated: N/A US release date: 10 July 2007 UK…
Five Easy Pieces (from 50 DVDS Every Film Fan Should Own) 1970 Five Easy Pieces MacMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Jake Gittes in Chinatown; Jack “Here’s…
Pink Floyd: Meddle ( Review) Pink Floyd Meddle: A Classic Album Under Review (Chrome Dreams / Music Video Distributors) Rated: N/A US release date: 12 March 2007 UK release date:…