Keeping Hope Alive (Updated!)
10/17/11: Return of Mazzy? Apparently, it's true. (h/t to the man who surfs the 'net like a super hero, my beloved Meatbull.) This news excites me. (As does the news…
10/17/11: Return of Mazzy? Apparently, it's true. (h/t to the man who surfs the 'net like a super hero, my beloved Meatbull.) This news excites me. (As does the news…
Let’s say you’re a drummer and you happened to play on two of the seminal progressive rock albums (King Crimson’s In The Wake of Poseidon and, along with fellow recent…
I've written a great deal about John Zorn (in some detail here and here, and his name is appropriately dropped and checked in the course of discussions of other jazz musicians,…
Two things we all became experts in during those last five years: taking care of my mother and worrying. We were authorities; we worried all the time, about everything. The…
While I'm congenitally disinclined to join the choruses of hagiographers anointing this outstanding marketer, salesman and genius as some type of saint, I'll certainly throw my hat in the very…
Sad new from the wire: guitar legend Bert Jansch has passed away (another casualty of The Big C). Story here. My introduction to his work was, presumably like many punks my…
Well, if we weren't offiicially in the 21st Century yet, we certainly are now. Less than a year after we bid a not-so-fond adieu to the Sony Walkman, now cassettes…
Check this out: In order to write about music you need to hear it first. In order to hear the music you need to know about it. Sounds simple, and…
It was twenty years ago today... No, seriously. Twenty years. Fall semester (because the world was still measured in summers and semesters), sophomore year. Out of all the indelible memories…
First of all, just stop and listen to this: Maybe you're hearing that for the first time and thinking, like I did about a decade or so when I was…