Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

People who are a lot smarter and more business-savvy than I am (which admittedly is not saying much) have asked me if I have Google Analytics for this site. I tell them that I’m sure I should, but it sounds so…analytical. After all, this is a not-for-profit endeavor and I’m not terribly interested in demographics. Perhaps this stance would soften if I actually understood the implications. I have, for instance, learned in recent days that people in Chiang Mai read (and endorse) this blog. I know, from the messages I am always happy to receive, that people I know (and people I’ve never met) read and are occasionally moved by my writing. What else is there that needs to be said?

According to the “Site Stats” (which I have to trust since my friend and guru JB initially made me aware of them), this blog has been visited over 8,000 times in the month of August. That’s about 8oo times more hits than it received in its first month of existence, back in October 2008. In May of 2009 there were 3,683 hits, and that record stood for a while (and seemed both impressive and humbling, then). Back in January I thought, maybe I can reach the 5,000 mark in 2010, a goal I achieved in April. I’m not sure what has accounted for the growing numbers, but I have to suspect some friends have told some friends. This is the definition of grassroots, because I’ve done little (much to my more business and web-savvy friends’ chagrin) to promote this site. I have also resisted any temptation to put ads or a “tip jar” on the site: I like the idea of having a blog that costs nothing to visit and I don’t intend to change that policy. I do have some ideas about how to make some of this work more easily collectable (for the handful of people not related to me who may be interested in collecting any of my work in a semi-formal manner), and I welcome the long overdue and most welcome advancements the publishing scene is embracing (however reluctantly). More thoughts on that subject (the big picture and my envisioned place in it) another time.

It seemed appropriate (and right) to acknowledge this minor milestone — and extend sincere appreciation for anyone who has taken the time to check out Murphy’s Law. For people who have come back more than once, I’m grateful. For people who come back all the time, I feel I should offer my condolences. But seriously, people don’t do what I do unless they hope they can articulate some thoughts and convey some feelings that just might resonate with and inspire others. It is with the aim of doing that as honestly and consistently as possible that I look forward to playing the truth of what I am, for as long as I can.
